Logos with Hidden Messages

Designing logos can be a very difficult process. When designing a logo you want it to be unique, yet it has to be as simple as possible to ensure that it is memorable. Sometimes the designer goes a step further and incorporates a hidden message within the logo that has deeper meaning. In this article I've compiled a collection of logos with hidden messages, some of which you will have heard of before and some maybe new to you but hopefully you will enjoy them all.

The Amazon logo is an extremely simple logo and while the arrow may just look like a smile it actually points from a to z. This represents that Amazon sell everything from a to z and the smile on the customers face when they bought a product.

The Baskin Robbins logo may look like it includes a simple BR above the name but if you take another look you will that it includes a pink number 31. This is a reference to the original 31 flavors.

This logo is too good to be ignored… It is very cleverly designed with a typeface where every letter is a variation of number 8.

The eighty20 logo is a bit of a geeky one to figure out, the two lines of squares represent a binary sequence with the blue squares being 1’s and the grey squares being 0’s. Which makes 1010000 which represents eighty and 0010100 which represents 20.

The F1 logo is a fairly simple one to figure out. The negative space in the middle creates the 1.

The FedEx logo look like a plain text based logo but if you take a second look between the E and the x you will see an arrows which represents the speed and accuracy of the companies deliveries.

The old Northwest Airlines logo may look like a simple logo but if you take a closer look the symbol on the left actually represent both N and W and because it is enclosed within the circle it also represents a compass pointing northwest.

The Toblerone logo contains the image of a bear hidden in the Matterhorn mountain, which is where Toblerone originally came from.

At first glance this logo may look like a simple picture of a girl doing her yoga exercise but on closer inspection you'll notice that an image of Australia is created by the joining of her arm and leg.

Okay, this one doesn’t have any hidden visual messages, but it does have a hidden audio element. If you go to the US. version of their homepage and click on the logo’s exclamation point, you’ll hear Yahoo!’s trademark yodel.